Makers Gotta Make Jessica Maybury Makers Gotta Make Jessica Maybury

How to carve out time for art

There are ways to make room for art without sacrificing too many of your other commitments or even sacrificing chickens to the elder gods. First I’ll share my way, and then I’ll add some others I’ve tried through the years that are also well worth a shot.

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Rewilding Jessica Maybury Rewilding Jessica Maybury

What we can learn from moss about surviving climate disasters

Yes, the headline of this blog post really does include ‘moss’, that wasn’t a typo. But what can moss teach us about survival? In this article we travel together through the poetic world of environmental biology into the idea of degrowth and what I would describe generally as a kinder approach towards subverting an ecological disaster.

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Zines Jessica Maybury Zines Jessica Maybury

Zines 101: the tip of the iceberg

What ARE zines? People ask me this a lot and I’m often pretty stumped because they’re everything. So I’m putting this on the internet in an attempt to have something to point to by way of explanation.

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