Practical small-scale rewilding tips from YouTube

Rewilding is a progressive approach to conservation. It’s about letting nature take care of itself, enabling natural processes to shape land and sea, repair damaged ecosystems and restore degraded landscapes. Through rewilding, wildlife’s natural rhythms create wilder, more biodiverse habitats. - Rewilding Europe

If, like me, you too are filled with dread at the ongoing climate disaster in which we now live, and feel powerless to stop it…FEAR NOT. Well. No, be afraid, but be practical and get active.

I’m sharing concrete ways (that, er, well, don’t involve any concrete actually) that we can take together, no matter where we are in the world, to boost the biodiversity and general wildness of our neighbourhoods on an individual level.

That individual, localised response is so important when it comes to supporting our natural environments: find local plants, collect seeds, and do what makes sense for your location in the world (and the season of your life).

Rewilding: more than a buzzword

Rewilding is about reconnecting with nature and allowing natural ecosystems to thrive once more. By providing the right conditions, we can help native plants and wildlife return to areas where they have been absent for some time. Every small change makes a difference in supporting biodiversity.

Starting small is the key. Even turning a small patch of garden or unused land into a wildlife haven can make a big difference. You'll attract more biodiversity to your space by:

  • choosing native plants

  • avoiding chemicals

  • providing shelter, food, and water

Every little bit helps when it comes to rewilding and reviving natural habitats.

As I have learned how to do just about every skill in life that I have from YouTube, I’m sharing these lessons in the form of useful YouTube videos.

  1. Small Scale Rewilding, Should You Even Bother?

  2. How do you actually rewild a property?

  3. Gardening for Biodiversity: How to improve your garden for birds

  4. Rewilding Principles in Practice | Part of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration launch programme

Can wildlife gardening in your back yard really help support your local environment?

I like coming back to these YouTube videos every now and then because for me at least they’re a powerful reminder that ordinary people can make a difference for our local wildlife. Even in your own back garden or across your local community taking small but significant steps towards supporting wildlife is extremely helpful.

So, embrace these practical tips, immerse yourself in the natural world, and become an agent of positive change, one step at a time.

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